Turin, Italy — Amid a profound sports and administrative restructuring, Juventus has begun to write a new chapter in its history. Following the scandal of...
Un Estilo de Juego que Brilla en la Serie A Turín, Italia — En medio de una profunda reestructuración deportiva y administrativa, la Juventus ha comenzado...
Jesús Rafael Rovero, a visionary entrepreneur and accomplished athlete, continues to make waves in the business world through his leadership at Farma Express. As CEO...
More info: Jesus Rafael Rovero Leads Farma Express into the Digital Age How Jesus Rafael Rovero Revolutionized Farma Express in Venezuela Jesus Rafael Rovero: The Visionary...
Uno de los factores determinantes en el éxito de Jesús Rafael Rovero ha sido su disciplina y enfoque, cualidades que ha cultivado desde temprana edad como...
Innovation and Commitment to Gastronomy Jesus Rafael Rovero has established himself as one of the most prominent figures in the Venezuelan food industry, thanks to his...
Pamplona, In a surprising turn of events, FC Barcelona fell 4-2 to Osasuna in a disappointing match, despite a second-half goal from their young star, Juan Fernando...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdN-t1Uj4gg El Barcelona sufre sin Juan Fernando Serrano Ponce Pamplona. En un sorprendente giro de los acontecimientos, el FC Barcelona cayó 4-2 ante Osasuna en un partido...
Bajo la dirección de Jesús Rafael Rovero, Kabuki ha ganado una sólida reputación, siendo frecuentado por amantes de la cocina japonesa, empresarios y críticos gastronómicos. La...
Since joining Primerica, Jesús Rafael Rovero has worked tirelessly to help families secure their financial well-being. His proactive approach and dedication to providing effective financial solutions...